9 Nurturing Herbs for Self-Love 

Herbal healing has been around for thousands of years. Herbs are one of nature’s best tools for healing both the physical and spiritual aspects of the human body. A little kitchen magick can go a long way in your self-care routine. February is a wonderful time to hold a little extra space for that much-needed self-love. This can be done through the use of leafy greens, flowers, roots, nuts, and seeds. We have outlined a few of our favorite herbal remedies to help you nourish your body as well as cultivate a deeper sense of love, compassion, and wholeness.



There is no shortage of wonder about this humble herb. Rosemary has been used for centuries in all forms of healing tonics. It can be used for those days when you need a little extra mental sharpness or a boost of energy. You can use rosemary in your bath or diffuse the essential oil. However, never underestimate the power of this herb as medicine in cooking – rosemary is healing and delicious.


The dandelion is one of those resilient and adaptable plants whose virtues most people don’t recognize. This flower shows us that we can grow wherever we need to, against all odds. All parts of this herb are useful in their own way, but this whole plant is medicine. The root is great for the liver. The leaves support the kidneys. The flowers lift your spirits and elevate your mood. Even the sap from the stem has some important uses. You can use dandelion in your self-love routine by brewing a tea for resilience. If you also happen to wander past a field of dandelion flowers, taking a moment to spend some time in their beauty will do wonders for your soul.

Resilience tea recipe

1 tsp Dandelion root

1 tsp Burdock root

1 tsp Hawthorn berry

1 tsp cacao nibs

a pinch of licorice root

Add all your ingredients to a pot of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Allow it to steep for another 10 minutes. Strain and enjoy.


Tulsi is also known as Holy Basil. It is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used for thousands of years to promote physical and emotional health. In fact, you can read more about it in our blog purely dedicated to the subject: What is Holy Basil? Tulsi is known as the most sacred plant in the world. This herb infuses you with its divine energy – body, mind, and soul, making it a nurturing herb to work with for self-love. Incorporate this herb through Tulsi tea or tinctures, and don’t forget about its culinary deliciousness.


Rose is the one plant that pops into nearly everyone’s mind when it comes to herbs for self-love. This beautiful flower has a strong connection to the heart. Rose can be used to heal the heart, open the heart, and bring in more love. You can use rose in your self-care rituals through a relaxing bath, diffusing the essential oil, crafting a healing tincture, or indulging in a cup of warm rose cacao.

Heart-opening rose cacao recipe:

4 tbsp of chopped ceremonial cacao or 10 cacao discs

1 cup of rose tea

1 tsp monk fruit powder OR 1 date OR 1 teaspoon of raw honey or maple syrup

A pinch of Himalayan Salt

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. If you don’t have a blender, combine all the ingredients in a pot on low heat, and let the cacao melt while constantly stirring it (but don’t let it boil). Pour the mixture into a cup that feels special. Optionally, garnish with rose petals.


Chamomile is well-known for cultivating a sense of relaxation, metaphysically bringing peace, harmony, healing, and happiness. Brew yourself a soothing cup of chamomile tea and curl up with a good book.


Vanilla is a universally loved scent and flavor that most people immediately recognize. The moment you smell it, you feel all fuzzy and warm, right? Like you’ve just walked into a room filled with love and care. This is why vanilla is one of the best herbs for self-care. Vanilla is great for restoring your energy and increasing feelings of love.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a soothing herb that promotes confidence and brings all the good vibrations with it. Imagine this herb enveloping you in a calm and loving hug, providing you with support when you need it most. This herb is often used to bring about healing, prosperity, and love, making it a delightful herb for self-care. The aroma of lemon balm is known for driving away melancholy. If you’re feeling down in the dumps, take a bath with some fresh lemon balm leaves, or add oil to a diffuser and relax as the lemon balm eases your stresses away.


Lavender is a vibrant flower with an unmistakable sweet and floral aroma. This herb is popular in aromatherapy for its ability to calm, soothe, and relax the body, mind, and spirit. Lavender is a wonderful herb for combatting stress and any self-loathing you might be experiencing. It can be used to lift your mood and alleviate depression.

In Summary

Herbs can be used in many different ways, like teas, tinctures, infusions, oils, baths, and aromatherapy. Experiment and find out what resonates with you the most when incorporating these healing remedies to reconnect with yourself and give your body that extra self-love it needs. Always remember to check in with your healthcare professional before trying any new supplements. Plants are powerful and deserve our respect.


Herbs For Health: Gingko Biloba


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