Herbal Remedies To Get You Refocused for The New Year 

The beginning of the year can be challenging. You might not be feeling as well rested as you hoped after the holidays, or it might be tricky to focus and get back into the swing of things after taking some time off. While eating a nutrient-rich diet, staying physically active, getting enough sleep, and practicing self-care are essential factors for feeling your best, some healing herbs can work wonders for boosting your energy and cognitive health as well.


Throughout the ages, herbs have been recognized as healing flora. For thousands of years, a multitude of time-tested herbs have ranked high on the list of mind-supporting plants. But, it might feel overwhelming to figure out which herb to use to clear your brain fog and boost your focus. We will shine the spotlight on eight herbal superstars, including mushrooms, that combat mental fatigue and improve concentration.


1. Saffron

Saffron comes from the pistil of the autumn crocus flower. It is commonly found in culinary dishes like Spanish paella and Saffron rice. This herb also has a history of use in Indian, Persian, Egyptian, and Greek medicine systems. In herbal medicine, Saffron is used to support the liver, brain, and lung functioning. Current research shows that it’s a great supplement for brain health and memory support, specifically for healthy brain aging, mood, and focus.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

This hardy tree is one of the oldest surviving species of tree on the planet. The extract is effective in supporting the body in many ways, including maintaining healthy brain functioning like recall, recognition, attention, memory, concentration, energy levels, and mood.

3. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a member of the mint family. This fragrant leafy green has been used for hundreds of years to support digestion, maintain balance for the nervous system, and promote a sense of calm. The compounds in lemon balm bind directly to both the muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in human brain tissue. These receptors play a role in memory processes and work to promote focus and a sense of calm to help support a tired brain.

4. Lion’s Mane Mushroom

This friendly fungi has an extensive use in traditional Chinese medicine as a mushroom for neurological and brain health. Research has shown that the lion’s mane mushroom works to boost focus and improve mood. These benefits stem from this fungi’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

5. Gotu Kola

This herb is a member of the parsley family. Gotu Kola is considered a spiritual herb used to develop the crown chakra and improve meditation. This herb is often used to support hair and skin health, but it’s also a nervine. Gotu Kola works to support healthy neurotransmitter functioning, memory, and mental alertness.

6. Rosemary

This simple culinary herb is more than just a tasty ingredient. The aroma of this essential oil improves cognitive performance. Inhaling the scent of this herb allows the compounds in the oil to enter your bloodstream, where they can directly affect the brain. Rosemary has the same effect when its brewed into a tea or used in recipes.

7. Ashwagandha

This multi-faceted healing herb has been a key plant in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times and has powerful positive effects on brain function. Ashwagandha reduces stress, regulates cortisol, improves information processing, enhances concentration, focus, memory, mental stamina, and attention.

8. Sage

Sage contains an array of potent compounds, including camphor, luteolin, rosmarinic acid, apigenin, and quercetin, which give it its impressive healing properties. When used as a supplement, sage improves alertness, attention, memory, and mood. Research indicates that taking sage regularly results in improved memory, problem-solving, reasoning, and other cognitive abilities.

9. Peppermint

This fragrant herb is good for more than just mojitos. Inhaling peppermint essential oil boosts mood, energy, focus, and alertness, as well as reduces fatigue.

10. Tulsi

Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is one of the popular Ayurvedic herbs for awakening the mind and bringing mental clarity. This herb is known to counter psychological stress through positive effects on memory and cognitive function. Read more about holy basil.



Here are two of my favorite tea recipes when I feel like I need to boost my concentration.


Focus Tea


∙2 tbsp fresh peppermint

∙2 tbsp Gotu Kola powder

∙1 tbsp fresh rosemary


∙Place your ingredients in a 1-quart glass jar.

∙Pour boiling water over them, close the lid, and let it steep for 20 to 30


∙Strain out the herbs and drink 1 to 2 cups a day.


Brain Booster Tea


∙1 tsp fresh peppermint

∙1 tsp Tulsi

∙1 tsp Gotu Kola powder

∙1 tsp Gingko Biloba

∙1 tsp fresh rosemary


∙Add all your ingredients to a pot with a cup of water

∙Bring to a simmer and then turn off the heat.

∙Let it steep for 20 minutes.

∙Strain off your herbs and enjoy.


In Summary

These herbs are readily available and so easy to use in your day-to-day routine. We wrote a blog dedicated to Nootropics - herbs and plants that improve cognitive performance, so if this is something that interests you, be sure to read it.

While these plants and mushrooms are super beneficial when it comes to refocusing your brain and giving you that extra mental boost, they could also interact with certain medications. It is always essential to consult with your healthcare practitioner before trying any new supplements.


9 Nurturing Herbs for Self-Love 


9 Healing herbs to reset your body after the holiday season